Category Archives: Search Engine Marketing


Yesterday Google Announced its search deal with Twitter that will include tweets in search results.

Google incorporating real-time search of course is not at all shocking. Twitter already secured a search deal with Bing (Facebook was in that deal too), and the impact of up-to-the-minute search results is nothing to sneeze at. Plus, the Twitter search function alone foreshadowed a deal, don’t you think?

Twitter SearchGoogle Search Box

New Google Search Features Present New Opportunities For SEOs

Google announced at its Searchology event yesterday new search options that can significantly impact your search result and traffic.

Users can now easily refine their search by choosing a search result category such as reviews, videos and forums. In addition, searchers canĀ  also toggle between displaying images from result page to displaying more text, or choose to view the most recent content indexed within the last 24 hours.


So what does this mean? Ideally, it means that any searcher will find what they need with less work. Of course Google can’t read minds (yet), but with different – and more – search result potential, SEO is important as ever.

1. Optimize your digital assets.
If universal search is not enough of a reason to optimize digital assets such as images and video, now is the time. The search result competition is looking a lot differently on the page, providing easier entry points for user-generated content and social media.

2. Keep content fresh.
Granted this is a no-brainer for any SEO. But with time now as a segmentation factor (hello? Twitter search?), it plays a bigger role.

3. Manage your online reputation.
That means getting a good grasp of reviews and news items getting thrown around about you and your company, and respond and mange it positively. It was much easier to push down negative results in a “flatter” result, however the new features can dig up some old news you would rather have left alone.

4. Changing search content consumption.
This is not necessarily new since Google News is already in play. But segmenting by time frame will get you the latest scores, news, comments, you name it.

5. More Adwords opportunities.
Yep, you got it girls and boys. More search options means searchers spending more time on Google, which means more clicks for Google and as a result more ad opportunities. I’m just sayin’.

6. Yank that long tail.
I haven’t gone into describing the new Wonder Wheel feature, but the idea is to visually generate deeper search results by providing “wheels” with keyword “spokes” that may bring the searcher deeper results than just the main query. So not only are videos, images, fresher content and reviews getting higher on the search result, but those long tail keywords too.


So what’s next? I’m still waiting to see how deeper personalization, Google profiles and FriendConnect start impacting search result. Imagine seeing whay my FriendConnect “recommends” directly when conducting a search. It’s almost like reading minds. Almost.